Neben dem Katamaran auf der Ostsee Kiten Wenn mal weniger Wind ist macht das Foil erst recht Spaß
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Kite & Sail Kitecruise Baltic Sea

Discover danish blue waters on a Kite & Sail Kitecruise starting from Warnemuende / Rostock. One week under sails with a catamaran, exploring untouched kitespots. Be active on board, learn how to sail and go kitesurfing with the other travellers. On board will also be an experienced skipper and kite instructor.

Overview Services The Ship

An extraordinary journey on the Baltic Sea

You want a varied and unusual holiday, but you don't feel like sitting in a plane for 10 hours or being stressed out in a traffic jam on the way to the crowded spot by car? Then come with us to the Baltic Sea! A fantastic kiting area is right on your doorstep! The Baltic Sea offers you undreamt-of possibilities to experience unforgettable kite sessions. Especially in the Danish South Sea, there are many new spots that you can only reach by boat. Experiencing the symbiosis of water and wind up close inspires many adventurous and nature-loving people. With Kite & Sail we have found a way to combine these elements even better and to experience them much more intensively.

Kite and Sail Ostsee
Tag 1 & 8 Hohe Düne Tag 7 Kühlungsborn Tag 6 Salzhaff Tag 5 Wismar Tag 4 Fehmarn Tag 3 Nysted Tag 2 Gedser Tag 1 & 8 Hohe Düne


Day 1: Warnemünde (Yachthafenresidenz Hohe Düne) - Gedser

On the day of the start, we meet at 9 a.m. at the ship in the Yachthafenresidenz Hohe Düne. After everyone has moved into their bunks and the kites are stowed away, we sit down together over a cup of coffee for an initial briefing. Together we look at the weather forecast for the next few days and decide on the itinerary for the coming days based on wind strength, wind direction and your personal kite levels and area preferences. This is followed by a safety briefing and the joint bulk purchase for the week. After the preparations have been completed, it's time to get going.

A possible itinerary is described below:

Quickly we are out of the harbour and have set sail. In only 5 hours we reach the Danish South Sea. We will spend the night in the small idyllic harbour of Gedser.

Kite and Sail - Neben dem Katamaran Kiten

Day 2: Gedser - Nysted

Here we find our first kite spot directly. Depending on the weather conditions, we can launch directly from the beach in front of the marina or anchor close to the sandbank and launch the kites from on board. In the afternoon we sail to Nysted in about 1.5 hours. In the evening we cook together on board or have a delicious BBQ.

Segelspaß auf dem Katamaran

Day 3: Nysted - Fehmarn

Early in the morning, after a small breakfast, we set off. We have about 5 hours of sailing ahead of us until we reach Fehmarn. Fehmarn offers a variety of kittpots. Depending on the wind direction and strength, we can either kite directly from the catamaran or walk a short distance from the yard to the kite spot. If the weather conditions are good, there is still enough time for a kite session into the sunset.

Katamaran segeln auf der Ostsee

Day 4: Fehmarn - Wismar

After a delicious and invigorating breakfast, the day begins with a nice kite session. Around noon we set off again. The next stop, Wismar, is about 6 hours away. In Wismar we can moor directly in the city centre and have plenty of choice of bars and restaurants for the evening.

Ankern beim Mitsegeltörn nach Dänemark

Day 5: Wismar - Salzhaff

From Wismar we continue to the next kite spot. The Salzhaff is a fantastic area with large shallow areas. Thanks to the very shallow draft, we can also get there with a catamaran. The dinghy ensures good safety for all kiters.

Auf gehts zur Kitesession

Day 6: Salzhaff - Kühlungsborn

To make the most of this fantastic kiting area, it is a good idea to do a kiting session here in the morning. Afterwards, it's only 3 hours to the Salzhaff to Kühlungsborn. With the right wind direction, there is even enough time for a second kite session during this day.

Tolles Licht auf dem Katamaran beim Sonnenuntergang

Day 7: Kühlungsborn - Warnemünde

On the last day, we arrive back in the home port in the early afternoon after 5 hours of sailing. This gives us enough time to pack our things and get the ship ready. At 5 pm we say goodbye: See you next time!

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Services included

On Board

  • Accommodation in a spacious double cabin
  • Every cabin has its own ensuite bathroom

The Crew

  • Skipper
  • Kite Instructor

The catamaran

  • The catamaran holds a ship safety certificate including safety equipment
  • Liability insurance for the catamaran and all passengers

Additional Services

Bookable in advance

The following options can be added to a day trip on the Baltic Sea. Timely booking of fellow sailors is required to ensure availability.

  • Sailing gear (offshore oilskins, jacket and trousers) plus 25 € / person.
  • Transfer
  • Overnight stay on board plus 80 € per night, per cabin with a double bed *.
  • Bed linen (sheets, pillow case, duvet cover, 1 towel) plus 35 € per person

*Notes Overnight stay on board:

Check in: 21:30, Check out: 8:00.

Please bring your own sheets, duvet cover and pillow case.

Catering and kitchen use on board is not possible


  • One week kite rental 350€ / person
  • private kitesurfing lesson 69€/hour

Cash box (mandatory)

  • At the beginning of the trip, 290€ per participant will be collected in cash for the cash box. All local fees such as port fees, mooring, entry fees, customs and fresh products are paid from this amount of money.
  • Restaurant visits are to be paid separately by the guests

Please note...

Ausstattung für Mitsegler (bitte mitbringen)

  • Warme und Wetterfeste Kleidung
  • Saubere Schuhe mit heller Sohle
  • Bei Regen: Regenjacke, Regenhose und Wasserdichte Schuhe
  • Bettlaken, Kopfkissenbezug und Bettdeckenbezug/Schlafsack *siehe Zusatzleistungen
  • empfohlen: Sonnenbrille, Kopfbedeckung, Sonnencreme und Badesachen

Single cabin

  • Accommodation in a single cabin is available at an additional cost.
  • Most trips have a cheaper small single cabin, or a more expensive large cabin for single use available.


  • Bei höherer Gewalt (Wind > 6 Bft., Gewitter etc.) kann der Segeltörn unterbrochen, abgebrochen oder verschoben werden.
  • Es obliegt dem Kapitän Änderungen im Törneverlauf vorzunehmen um diesen an die Wetter- und Windverhältnisse anzupassen
  • Der Veranstalter behält sich vor, den Segeltörn auf einem anderen, aber gleichwertigem Schiff durchzuführen.
  • Es gelten die Stornierungsbedingungen des Leistungsträgers. Es wird empfohlen, eine Reiseschutz Versicherung abzuschließen -> hier direkt buchbar
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Unfortunately we don't have any tour dates at the moment.

We would be happy to personally help you find a suitable tour.

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